Displayator(the app)

Your huge images.
On your iPhone.
Original size.

Create a Displayable from your big image on your computer using the free Displayable Creator (below), transfer it to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and view your image in its full resolution, with fast scrolling and smooth zooming.

The Displayator app works on modern iPhones, iPod Touch and iPads running iOS 5 or iOS 6.

The Displayable Creator:

This free application runs on any computer. You use it to create the displayables from your images in PNG, BMP & JPEG (not CMYK JPEGs) formats.

Start creating Displayables now!

The Displayable Creator is a Java application that works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. If Java is installed on this computer, you can start it now by clicking on the orange 'launch' button above. Otherwise, please install Java first.

Displayator showing the displayable created from public transports maps of Bordeaux (France) and San Francisco (U.S.A.) at min and max zoom levels (click to embiggen to original size).

If you have any trouble or question with the Displayator or the Displayable creator, I hang out in the google group for Displayator and Displayable Creator. Or you can drop me a line.

— © Nicolas Hoibian, 2013 —