Displayator blog


Minor Displayable Creator update

Hi, I just released a new version of Displayable Creator: 1.1.2 . You can use it right now by clicking on this link. It contains a bug fix that correct problems whereas the displayable creator would crash or not show the list of generated Displayables when the description or the title contains some special characters.

The fix was as ‘simple’ as using the google-gson JSON library for a more reliable generation of the feed.

I also increased the memory that it is allowed to request from the system from 1024 to 1524 MB, so it can open bigger images (tested on up to 14101 by 14101 image).

I also registered a twitter account : @Displayator so you can follow it to get the latest updates on Displayator or the Displayable Creator.



A complete list of all the posts on this blog is available in the archives.

If you have any trouble or question with the Displayator or the Displayable creator, you can send @Displayator a tweet or drop me a line at nicolas@displayator.com. Otherwise, I hang out in the google group for Displayator and the Displayable Creator.

— © Nicolas Hoibian, 2013 —